2021 Toronto Perioperative Echo Symposium & Course
This year our 2-day virtual program is as follows:
- Course: 3D TEE – Concepts, Techniques, Clinical Applications, Nov 5
- Symposium: Point-of-Care Decision-Making, Nov 6
The 2020 publication of the Guidelines for the Use of Transesophageal Echocardiography to Assist with Surgical Decision-Making in the Operating Room ( doi:10.1016/j.echo.2020.03.002 ) by the American Society of Echocardiography marked a significant milestone in the development of TEE as an integral component of clinical decision-making in acute care settings.
Demographic shifts, technical developments in surgery and imaging, as well as the challenges of the current pandemic are contributing to a significant expansion of the use of TEE for point-of-case decision-making.
In this virtual symposium our faculty will illustrate the application of TEE to address critical point-of-care decisions in a variety of acute-care setting including cardiac and non-cardiac OR, the cathlab and the intensive care unit.