The 24th Annual Toronto Perioperative Echo Symposium will be held on Saturday & Sunday September 20-21, 2025.

Virtual Symposium | Saturday & Sunday | September 20-21, 2025
Day 1:
- EACTAIC – Aortic Valve
- Aortic Valve repair – the surgeon’s perspective, (TBA)
- Aortic Valve repair TEE, Oana Cole
- TEE quantification of AS (Including 3D and Low Flow Low Gradient), Johan Bence
- TEE Assessment of AV Prosthesis, Stefaan Bouchez
- TEE for Basilica Procedure, F Guarracino
- Toronto – Mitral Valve
- Classical mitral valve repair techniques – David and Omran
- Emerging and minimally invasive techniques – Piroze and Salvatori
- UCLA – Adult Congenital Heart Disease
- Common post-surgical ECHO findings in ACHD patients. Speaker: Dr. Jeannette Lin, cardiologist
- ECHO support for Structural Heart Disease Intervention in ACHD patients. Speaker: Dr. Gentian Lluri cardiologist
- ECHOing the unexpected and undiagnosed ACHD patient. Speaker: Dr. Tiffany Williams, anesthesiologist
Day 2
South America and South Africa – Infectious disease in developing nations (TBA)
- Chagas Disease – Carlos Galhardo
- Endocarditis – Felipe Munoz
- HIV and TB – Blanche Cupido (South Africa)
Boston – Mechanical Circulatory Support
- TEE Guided Decision Making for LVAD Implantation (TBA) – Aidan Sharkey
- ECHO guidance for temporary MCS (TBA) – Mark Robitaille
- The ECMO Alphabet Soup (TBA) – Maurizio Bottiroli
- MCS Case Review (TBA) – Megan Krajewski
Montreal – Structural Heart Disease
- TEE and triclip, Patrick Garceau cardiologist
- Introduction to ICE for structural heart disease, Reda Ibrahim cardiologist
- Challenging mitral clip cases, Marco Julien anesthesioogist
- New development in educational tools to teach TEE, André Denault anesthesiologist
Additional program details coming soon.
Registration opening April 2025.